Andrea Vaccaro
(Napoli, 1604 - Napoli, 1670)

David con la testa di Golia

oil on canvas
cm 181x128

Exhibitions: Battistello Caracciolo e il primo naturalismo a Napoli,  Naples, Castel Sant'Elmo 9 November 1991-19 January 1992

Literature: Vincenzo Pacelli, Le Arti visive dal Cinquecento al Settecento, in Campania, p. 387, Milan 1978
                      Exhibition catalogue, Battistello Caracciolo e il primo naturalismo a Napoli, p. 307 , ill. 2.67, Napoli, 1992
                      Riccardo Lattuada in Nicola Vaccaro (1640 -1709). An artist in Naples between Baroque and Arcadia, Mariaclaudia Izzo pag. 86, ill. 86, 2009
                      Riccardo Lattuada, Andrea Vaccaro’s David and an Outline of Vaccaro’s Early Career in MUSE, Annual of Art at Archeology, University of Missouri pag. 45, ill. 6, 2017

The extraordinary painting, already published by Vincenzo Pacelli in 1978 as a work by Andrea Vaccaro di chiara
Battistellian inspiration, was exhibited in 1992 in the exhibition on Battistello Caracciolo and early naturalism
in Naples and inserted by Ferdinando Bologna in the section dedicated to the works that could best describe it
of the Neapolitan Caravaggio context, anticipating the dating of the painting to the years preceding 1630. Hypothesis
shared by Riccardo Lattuada who, in the essay dedicated to Vaccaro in 2009, underlines how the stylistic code of painting proposed here is, rather than Battistellian, "... above all Roman Caravaggesque".
The skilful use of chiaroscuro, the intensity and power of the scene, the beautiful figure of Davide posing
naturalistic allow the painting to be included among the masterpieces of the Neapolitan painter, a splendid example of the great
importance it occupies in the Neapolitan panorama of the seventeenth century.

**The procedure for the Certificate of Free Circulation has been started for this painting

€ 40.000,00 / 60.000,00
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